GM-RACER 3D Depron-Parkflyer
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Product information
The GRAUPNER GM-RACER 3D is a total fun model, but is also an extremely out-of-the-rut design. It looks like a typical Formula 1 racing car, but is fully capable of flight! Amaze your fellow car drivers and spectators at the race track: start by driving the model quite "normally", then lower the front spoiler, lift off, and fly the model just like an aircraft. You might liketo try an entirely new and spectacular method of overtaking, for example, or simply take off as you come out of a bend, fly a few rolls or loops, then land back on the track again. The GM-RACER 3D offers standard "full-house" controls plus front wing, and is fully controllable, although a little prior experience with aileron-equipped model aircraft is certainly desirable. The model is quickly and easilyassembled from laser-cut Depron® components and a vacuum-moulded top bodywork section. Depending on your chosen method of painting (e.g. airbrush), the laser-cut Depron® parts should be painted in your preferred colour scheme before they are assembled. You can copy the paint job of any full-size racing car you like, or simply give free rein to your imagination. For minimum all-up weight,high-strength flat CFRP strip is used for the front and rear spoiler reinforcements and the transverse arms; this material also provides a damping effect in the transverse arms, as on the full-size racing machines. Installation of the RC system components is very simple, as the underside of the GM-RACER is open. This means, for instance, that the drive / flight battery can be changed easily and quickly inthe middle of a session.
Pack contents
Building instructions in German, English and French. Vacuum-moulded top bodywork section (pre-cut, ready for gluing), laser-cut wheels, fuselage and control surface components, profiled CFRP braces, laser-cut plywood motor mount and reinforcements, control surface pushrods and linkage parts, accessories and decal sheet.
RC functions
Front spoiler (front wing)
Length approx. 1070 mm
Width approx. 465 mm
Height approx. 235 mm
Total surface area loading approx. 11.2 g/dm²
All-up weight incl. RC approx. 421 g